Product Name : LOGO

Product Code :

Category : SOFTWARE


Pegaline aims to medium-sized firms in general, offers solutions to large sectors with its parametric structure, has a fully integrated modular structure with financial analysis and warning systems, and your company is in good hands.

You can provide language partnerships at your company and you will no longer include unknowns in your company. With the analysis and reports prepared in a short time, it is possible to see your company's route from the beginning ... It is very easy to end the problems in financing and to end the enmity between you and the figures, and most importantly you have the chance to compete with the power you have ...

Technicial Specifications

It has a structure that can manage many databases that can be created and used independently on a single server and can serve independently to many users connected to each database.

In the database structure (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability)

Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation and Durability / Robustness

Multi Generation Architecture (MGA)

Thanks to Multi-Generation Architecture, there is a structure that has the ability to read and write physically created records regardless of which version they are created independently of the version. This structure is also a structure and a feature that are very needed for OLTP and OLAP processes.

With Stored Procedures, PSQL (Procedural SQL) has a structure that allows a lot of things to be done very quickly, which can be done entirely on the server side, and is hosted in the database, fully dominated by the database and records. It also has a feature that can track and edit movements based on records that relaxes operations and controls. In addition, Stored Transactions can be used both on the server side and on the user side just like a View or Virtual Table. This reporting and long reporting ensures that repetitive actions can be taken quickly and easily.

Online Backup

It has a feature that allows users to make backups at any time. This is where you can get backups without stopping your database.

Declarative Cascading Referential Integrity

It has the capability of establishing n-level parent-child relationships among the tables and ensuring the full reliability of the data in these relationships and ensures the health of these relationships.